Details and more details

Since my last report I have been working on improving gettext-po bindings, fixing some bugs and starting to implement the plugin engine.

The gettext-po bindings are finished and the whole gettext-po library has its equivalent on the Vala bindings. The plugins engine is implemented but I have to create an API to be able to do a useful plugin. I have been cleaning the code so creating that API should be easier.

In addition, I have implement a notification bar which indicates the user that there are no messages that have the search criteria for example and the message list scroll works properly when we select a item. I have been trying some things for implement “automatic scrolling” but I finally do it manually. The problem is that when a row is selected, this row grabs the focus so if we are typing inside the search bar, we can not continue typing.

During the next weeks I will create a API that makes possible to create useful plugins and I will fix the bugs and details that the application has.

You can try the program downloading it from Github.

The GUADEC will start at the 26th of July and I will be there 🙂 so if you have some idea about the application, a good place to tell me would be there.

Keep working on GNOMECAT

During last weeks I have been working on improving the program UI and the po file management. You can see the result in the following video:

I have improve PoFiles bindings including functions to file header and string origins management and fixing some errors. I have use the information from header files to improve opened files panel and to create a custom recent files widget.

Saving files almost works. We can save a file but there are some troubles with origins which I should fix. In addition I have modify a little the implementation of the Po File class in order to make it more efficient.

I’m starting to improve the profile panel and I have started separating the entries in two stackable panels for basic and advanced configuration. I added autocomplete for plural form and team email when we select a language but it only works in a couple of languages :S. If you can contribute to the code an easy and very useful way would be to fill this data for some languages. You can even do this from the GitHub interface.

You can try and contribute to the code using the GitHub repository. If you are interested on contributing to the application the most relevant part I should work on is figure out how to improve the program performance with big files (gnumeric could be a good example).

On the other hand I’m planning to attend this year GUADEC (I have already bought the flights). There it will be a I18N BoF which I’m afraid I wont be able to assist because I leave Strasbourg on 29th of July. However it would be really interesting to receive some feedback from the translators during that days.

I have to thanks GNOME Foundation for sponsoring the trip one year again 🙂

FOSDEM 2014!

Este último fin de semana estiven tiven a oportunidade de asistir a FOSDEM. A “Free ans Open Source Software Developers European Meeting” ou, para os non que non entenden o idioma de Shakespeare, Encontro Europeo de Desarrolladores de Softare Libre e de Codigo Aberto. Antes de nada unha dicir que foi unha grandísisma experiencia, unhas charlas incribles a oportunidade de reunirse e falar con xente que xa coñecera noutros eventos como a GUADEC ou a GUADEC-es de Madrid.

Continúe lendo FOSDEM 2014!

Changing the tool UI

As I said in the last post I’m going to continuing working on the tool providing I have free time. This last weeks I have being working on some changes of the tool user interface.

On the one hand I have remove the GDL library support. I have some talks through IRC with Ignacio Casal (former GTranslator maintainer) and we both agree that with a good UI design the use of dockable elements is unneeded and it requires to have dependencies with a quite buggy library.

On the other hand I have mixed the list of message with the message editor itself. You can watch how it looks in the following video. It still needs some adjustments but I think that the idea is clear.

Do you like the result?

PS: I’m going to attend next GUADEC-es in Madrid! If you have some ideas or opinions about the application just send an email and we can drink some beers (or your favorite beverage) while we discuss about the tool.


I have just arrive Santiago de Compostela airport and I think that this marks the end of my second GUADEC.

However, this GUADEC was totally different that the first one. Last year in Coruña I was surrounded by people that I already met and I didn’t make any effort to meet new people. Although I don’t met new people, “that’s where I got infected”. I realize that I want to work in a FLOSS company and that I want to belong to this awesome community.

Gnome Hispano dinner at GUADEC
Photo taken by Ana Rey (@anaRB)

One year later I’m working on a GSoC project and I have faced GUADEC in a totally different way. I didn’t meet anybody who was going to attend the event.  In addition last year GUADEC talk were a little boring for me so I decide to volunteer in order to meet new people and practice my speaking English. I met a lot of great people and I have a really great time. In fact I’m thinking about attending GUADEC-ES that is going to take place next October in Madrid.

This year talks were awesome. I really enjoy Emily talk about FLOSS and Education, the talk by Juan Pablo Ugarte about Glade and CSS and Fabiana Simões (who I’ve got the pleasure to met) talk  about How to not report UX bugs among others. I also have the opportunity to give a lighting talk (thank you Ana for this and evert photo you have taken during the event) of about 3 minutes about my work in GSoC.

I want to thank Gnome Foundation to give me the opportunity of meeting such a great people and having a really great time with them.


PS: The photo was taken the last day during a dinner with people from Gnome-Hispano. Thank you guys for the such a good time we’ve spend together 😉

Adestrando Serpes

O último xoves Santi (@ssice) e máis eu estivemos dando unha charla na FIC sobre Python que entitulamos “Python. Adestrando Serpes”. Aquí podedes ver unha foto que sacou Castro (@castrinho18) na que se nos pode ver a punto de comezar a falar.

foto charla gpul

A charla estaba enmarcada dentro das XII Xornadas Libres que organiza o GPUL. O GPUL (Grupo de Programadores e Usuarios de Linux) é unha asociación universitaria que promociona o uso do software libre a través de eventos como este no que puidemos participar. Outro dos eventos que organizou e que foi o de maior magnitude ata o momento foi a GUADEC que se celebrou a principios do último mes de agosto.

Na charla falamos sobre Python e explicamos tanto cousas básicas (tipos de datos, estructuras de control, etc.) como aspectos máis avanzados da linguaxe (xeradores, características funcionais, etc.). As transparencias que usamos podense obter a través de GitHub.

GSoC Gtranslator Redesign proposal

I have finished my GSoC proposal. I post it here so everybody can read it. GSoC Image
If somebody finds some spell mistake or you have any thoughts about it feel free to leave a comment. As you can understand I prefer to correct my mistakes before summit the proposal to the Google Melange system.

My project consists on redesigning Gtranslator the official GNOME application for translating.  The idea is make the design more extensible and write the implementation in Vala, a much more readable language than GObject. Here is my proposal:

Continúe lendo GSoC Gtranslator Redesign proposal