Porting Yelp to WebKit2Gtk+, three months as an igalian

It have been a while since I write a post here and so many things has happened on my life. I have ended my second GSoC, I had an internship with Igalia and I’m participating on the organization of a music festival!

But I’m here to talk about my Igalia internship. The work I should did during this internship was to port a GNOME app from WebKitGtk+ to WebKit2Gtk+ and write a tutorial about how to do the port. The chosen app was Yelp. During this year GUADEC people talk about the need of porting this app and both my mentors and me thought that it would be a really interesting app to port.

Continúe lendo Porting Yelp to WebKit2Gtk+, three months as an igalian

Changing the tool UI

As I said in the last post I’m going to continuing working on the tool providing I have free time. This last weeks I have being working on some changes of the tool user interface.

On the one hand I have remove the GDL library support. I have some talks through IRC with Ignacio Casal (former GTranslator maintainer) and we both agree that with a good UI design the use of dockable elements is unneeded and it requires to have dependencies with a quite buggy library.

On the other hand I have mixed the list of message with the message editor itself. You can watch how it looks in the following video. It still needs some adjustments but I think that the idea is clear.

Do you like the result?

PS: I’m going to attend next GUADEC-es in Madrid! If you have some ideas or opinions about the application just send an email and we can drink some beers (or your favorite beverage) while we discuss about the tool.


I have just arrive Santiago de Compostela airport and I think that this marks the end of my second GUADEC.

However, this GUADEC was totally different that the first one. Last year in Coruña I was surrounded by people that I already met and I didn’t make any effort to meet new people. Although I don’t met new people, “that’s where I got infected”. I realize that I want to work in a FLOSS company and that I want to belong to this awesome community.

Gnome Hispano dinner at GUADEC
Photo taken by Ana Rey (@anaRB)

One year later I’m working on a GSoC project and I have faced GUADEC in a totally different way. I didn’t meet anybody who was going to attend the event.  In addition last year GUADEC talk were a little boring for me so I decide to volunteer in order to meet new people and practice my speaking English. I met a lot of great people and I have a really great time. In fact I’m thinking about attending GUADEC-ES that is going to take place next October in Madrid.

This year talks were awesome. I really enjoy Emily talk about FLOSS and Education, the talk by Juan Pablo Ugarte about Glade and CSS and Fabiana Simões (who I’ve got the pleasure to met) talk  about How to not report UX bugs among others. I also have the opportunity to give a lighting talk (thank you Ana for this and evert photo you have taken during the event) of about 3 minutes about my work in GSoC.

I want to thank Gnome Foundation to give me the opportunity of meeting such a great people and having a really great time with them.


PS: The photo was taken the last day during a dinner with people from Gnome-Hispano. Thank you guys for the such a good time we’ve spend together 😉

Unha de terminais: ZSH e Terminator

Ata agora so empregara como terminal Gnome-Terminal e o bash de toda a vida. O outro día falando con Santi (@ssice) recomendoume zsh así nun momento no que non tiña nada máis (interesante) que facer animeime a probalo e quedei francamente satisfeito. E xa de paso tamén probei un sustitutivo de Gnome-Terminal con nome de película, Terminator.


Zsh é un sustitutivo de bash que ten como maior vantaxe (na miña opinion) a súa maior personalización. Hai un monton de extensións para esta shell que permiten obter unha experiencia moito mais interesante que con bash.

Por exemplo podese destacar a posibilidade de que cando a carpeta na que estás sexa un repositorio Git, a shell amose a rama na que estas, e o estado desta rama. Estas cousas é máis pódense facer cos plugins que atopamos en oh-my-zsh. Esta extensión permite de forma sixela modificar o tema activo da shell e incorpora unha importante cantidade de plugins moi interesantes. Outra mellora do ZSH consiste nun mellor autocompletado que permite moverse máis rápido polos directorios.


Na imaxe anterior pode verse o tema que estou empregando de ZSH combinado co esquema de cores Solarized para Gnome Terminal. Pódese ver tamén como a dereita da ventá aparece a rama do repositorio git no que estaba nese intre. Se alguén lle interesa o meu tema podedelo atopar aquí.


Terminator é un emulador de terminal que no meu caso substitue a Gnome-Terminal que ten como proncipal caracteristica a posibilidade de dividir a venta tanto vertical como horizontalmente en celas, cada unha coa sua sesión.


Podense asignar atallos de teclado tanto para moverse polas terminais como para dividir a terminal actual tanto vertical como horizontalmente.

Adestrando Serpes

O último xoves Santi (@ssice) e máis eu estivemos dando unha charla na FIC sobre Python que entitulamos “Python. Adestrando Serpes”. Aquí podedes ver unha foto que sacou Castro (@castrinho18) na que se nos pode ver a punto de comezar a falar.

foto charla gpul

A charla estaba enmarcada dentro das XII Xornadas Libres que organiza o GPUL. O GPUL (Grupo de Programadores e Usuarios de Linux) é unha asociación universitaria que promociona o uso do software libre a través de eventos como este no que puidemos participar. Outro dos eventos que organizou e que foi o de maior magnitude ata o momento foi a GUADEC que se celebrou a principios do último mes de agosto.

Na charla falamos sobre Python e explicamos tanto cousas básicas (tipos de datos, estructuras de control, etc.) como aspectos máis avanzados da linguaxe (xeradores, características funcionais, etc.). As transparencias que usamos podense obter a través de GitHub.