Porting Yelp to WebKit2Gtk+, three months as an igalian

It have been a while since I write a post here and so many things has happened on my life. I have ended my second GSoC, I had an internship with Igalia and I’m participating on the organization of a music festival!

But I’m here to talk about my Igalia internship. The work I should did during this internship was to port a GNOME app from WebKitGtk+ to WebKit2Gtk+ and write a tutorial about how to do the port. The chosen app was Yelp. During this year GUADEC people talk about the need of porting this app and both my mentors and me thought that it would be a really interesting app to port.

Continúe lendo Porting Yelp to WebKit2Gtk+, three months as an igalian

API, GUADEC and big files

During the last days I have been working on completing the program features that were planned for GSOC. I have create a program API which allows a user to create useful plugins like a checkers which checks if a message is translated correctly and a hint provider which provides translations to the user as a Translation Memory.

Continúe lendo API, GUADEC and big files

Keep working on GNOMECAT

During last weeks I have been working on improving the program UI and the po file management. You can see the result in the following video:

I have improve PoFiles bindings including functions to file header and string origins management and fixing some errors. I have use the information from header files to improve opened files panel and to create a custom recent files widget.

Saving files almost works. We can save a file but there are some troubles with origins which I should fix. In addition I have modify a little the implementation of the Po File class in order to make it more efficient.

I’m starting to improve the profile panel and I have started separating the entries in two stackable panels for basic and advanced configuration. I added autocomplete for plural form and team email when we select a language but it only works in a couple of languages :S. If you can contribute to the code an easy and very useful way would be to fill this data for some languages. You can even do this from the GitHub interface.

You can try and contribute to the code using the GitHub repository. If you are interested on contributing to the application the most relevant part I should work on is figure out how to improve the program performance with big files (gnumeric could be a good example).

On the other hand I’m planning to attend this year GUADEC (I have already bought the flights). There it will be a I18N BoF which I’m afraid I wont be able to assist because I leave Strasbourg on 29th of July. However it would be really interesting to receive some feedback from the translators during that days.

I have to thanks GNOME Foundation for sponsoring the trip one year again 🙂

GNOMECAT. Progress report

I have been accepted again to participate in Google Summer of Code program!! During this summer I plan to finish the application I started during last summer.

The first month I have been really bussy with some university exams and projects so I haven’t be able to post any report. But I have been working on changing some parts of the UI interface.

I have create a design wiki page using the relevant art from the previous GTranslator redesign and I have added some new designs. I have started to implement this designs you can see the result in the following video.

As you can see I have remove the preferences dialog and now it’s part of the main window. In addition I have add a .desktop file, I have implemented i18n support, a wellcome mode where the program forces the user to create a profile before starting to use the program, etc. You can see all my work in the repository commits.

I expect you like the result. It needs to be polished and some bug fixing (encoding combobox for example) but I believe that you can see the idea. My next step is to redesign the main editing window to make something similar to this.

You can test the code downloading it from the GitHub repository. I use Fedora 20 (with GNOME 3.10) and I don’t need to use JHBuild for compiling and running the program.

Please, if you have any trouble building, installing or running the program do not hesitate to contact me leaving a comment or sending an email.

Unha de terminais: ZSH e Terminator

Ata agora so empregara como terminal Gnome-Terminal e o bash de toda a vida. O outro día falando con Santi (@ssice) recomendoume zsh así nun momento no que non tiña nada máis (interesante) que facer animeime a probalo e quedei francamente satisfeito. E xa de paso tamén probei un sustitutivo de Gnome-Terminal con nome de película, Terminator.


Zsh é un sustitutivo de bash que ten como maior vantaxe (na miña opinion) a súa maior personalización. Hai un monton de extensións para esta shell que permiten obter unha experiencia moito mais interesante que con bash.

Por exemplo podese destacar a posibilidade de que cando a carpeta na que estás sexa un repositorio Git, a shell amose a rama na que estas, e o estado desta rama. Estas cousas é máis pódense facer cos plugins que atopamos en oh-my-zsh. Esta extensión permite de forma sixela modificar o tema activo da shell e incorpora unha importante cantidade de plugins moi interesantes. Outra mellora do ZSH consiste nun mellor autocompletado que permite moverse máis rápido polos directorios.


Na imaxe anterior pode verse o tema que estou empregando de ZSH combinado co esquema de cores Solarized para Gnome Terminal. Pódese ver tamén como a dereita da ventá aparece a rama do repositorio git no que estaba nese intre. Se alguén lle interesa o meu tema podedelo atopar aquí.


Terminator é un emulador de terminal que no meu caso substitue a Gnome-Terminal que ten como proncipal caracteristica a posibilidade de dividir a venta tanto vertical como horizontalmente en celas, cada unha coa sua sesión.


Podense asignar atallos de teclado tanto para moverse polas terminais como para dividir a terminal actual tanto vertical como horizontalmente.