During the last week I have been re-implementing the editing panel following the guidelines provided by the mockup which Daniel Korostil made some time ago:
You can watch the final result on the following video:
The biggest part of the edit panel is occupied with the editor panel where we can translate the strings and get some information related to them like the tips and the origins. Message tips are more visible now.
I have also implement message origins and I added the possibility of view these origins but as you can see I’m using a Gtk Popover widget which is part of GTK+ 3.12. I’m currently using Fedora 20 and my version of GTK+ is 3.10 so I need to use JHBuild to view this feature and I guess that most of translator who are trying the application are in a similar situation. That’s why I have decided to move this commit to a separate git branch.
During this week I have also add keyboard shortcuts to some actions. You can see what shortcuts I have created here. The most are completely random so I need to figure out which is the best shortcuts mapping that I can use. Any idea is really welcomed.
I’m trying to write down all the issues I need to fix or implement at the GitHub issues system. There you can find which are the next steps in the application implementation.